Monday, April 28, 2008


So, Scout was totally off prednisone for a week and was doing great. We thought her battle with polyarthritis was behind us. But then two days ago, some of the symptoms returned--she went lame in her back left leg, got really stiff and lethargic, her nose started dripping like a faucet. It was quite upsetting. So, I put her back on a very low dose of pred (2 1.2 mg.) and gave her some pain medication. She limped most of the day yesterday, but seems a little better today.

Greg and I wonder if stress didn't set the condition off again (I've read that can happen). We've had good weather--and open doors--the past few days and Scout has been driven nuts by the sounds of spring--the neighbor boy bouncing his basketball in the street, school busses and UPS trucks driving by, even occasional fireworks. Those innocent noises make Scout crazy--she paces and circles frantically for hours on end.

Keep praying and I'll keep you posted. I'm praying she'll be recovered enough to do the Extreme hike in the Gorge this weekend.

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